José Miguel Silva Domínguez

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duration: 113minute; genre: Crime; Ivan Atkinson; release year: 2020; A British drug lord tries to sell off his highly profitable empire to a dynasty of Oklahoma billionaires; Country: USA. Úriemberek Free stream online. Plot twist: this is actually The Matrix 4 with Ryan Reynold's character being the new Agent Smith who's reawakened to fight his programming once again. Keanu Reeves flies in at the end to fight him. Úriemberek free stream free. Úriemberek Free stream new albums. Knives Out... definitely a Thanksgiving opening! When familial animosity is at its highest. Coma looks interesting; it's not a take on the Michael Crichton book.

Úriemberek free stream reddit. C3 9ariemberek free stream model. The rest of the series can be found here This mini arc: part one part two part three part four This is part five. Part Six (conclusion) I had to sit in a holding area for a while. Scum! It felt like forever. Everyone in there was going to see this Judge Dredd guy and they were all really scared. I was ok until I got in there but after hearing all the stuff they were saying boy was I pooping terrified. I really hoped my lawyer knew what he was talking about because the stories were flushing scary! A pooping forever later they called my name and led me into this funny looking room with a big chair on this raised platform in it. I saw my lawyer and boy was I pooping relieved. Then I looked over at the other table. There was this guy sitting there and both of those nasty detective poo-heads from the night I got arrested. They both looked over at me and made these nasty sneering faces like they had just pooped themselves and liked it. I still was flushing mad at them and seeing them just scalded my little pooper something awful. They led me over to my lawyer. “Grab a seat, ” he said with what I now know is a reassuring look. I sat down next to him. “Those are the detectives who pooping grilled me, ” I whispered, “They said all sorts of lies about me. ” “Yeah, I know, ” Baxlon said blowing a few bubbles, “Its a good thing. ” “But they are going to say bad stuff about me, ” I whispered. “And they just put themselves where I can clamp my jaw on their tits, ” he whispered. “I am going to rip their fucking guts out, just you watch, ” he said with a wink. “Hey, I just realized you dont know how this works, ” Baxlon said quietly to me. “We talk in turns. They are going to go first and say all sorts of bullshit and lay out their case against you. Then it will be my turn and I will rip them into fucking shreds. ” He then turned to look me in the eyes. “No matter what they say, no matter how much they lie, no matter how big a pile of bullshit they shovel out there do not say a fucking thing. Just sit here and keep your mouth shut. The more lies and bullshit they give me the more I will have to shove right up their asses. Trust me. Ive done this before and I know exactly what I am doing. ” We sat there for a minute and then a door opened behind the big chair. Everybody stood up so I did too. I guess it was the right thing to do because nobody yelled at me. “Goddammit… Fuck…” this angry voice said from behind the door and then this really weird looking guy in a long robe backed into the room pulling at something. He had a metal arm and legs and a bald head with wires stapled to it! “Finally! Shit! ” he grumbled as he started dragging a big cable into the room. It was going into his pooping robes! Dragging the cable he backed up some little steps and sort of dropped into the big chair. When he did everyone else sat down too. I figured I better do the same. I guess I did ok because nobody said anything. He just sat there looking down and fiddling with his robes. He reached down and yanked on that cable and drug some more of it up there with him. He finally looked up. Oh flushing poop. Both of his eyes were gone! There was just some metal and glass where they used to be! “Ok! ” he shouted. “Lets get this bullshit over with! ” He swiveled his head over to look right at me. It made me feel really funny like he could see into me or something. Poop. Maybe he could. “Hmmpf. ” he said and looked away from me. He then looked over at Baxlon. “Oh. Its you. ” Oh poop! It sounds like he doesnt like Baxlon. I started to get scared a little. I heard what happens to people this Judge Dredd person doesnt flushing like. Its not good. “Good morning your honor! ” Baxlon said with a wiggle. “Hows it hanging? Wait. Is it still attached? ” I looked over at Baxlon in horror. Had he lost his pooping mind? “Keep it up and youll find out you bottom feeding piece of shit! ” He growled. “Fuck. You are the last thing I wanted to see here. Are you representing this plath person? ” “No, Im just sitting here next to her with her data projected on my globe for no reason. ” Oh poop! Baxlon was just sitting there talking back to the pooping Judge! Oh poop! “Hmmpf. Fucking fish motherfucker. ” Judge Dredd said as he looked up into space. “Ok, prosecutor, what has this little frog looking thing done to offend the state so much you want to get rid of her? ” The prosecutor rose holding a tablet. The detectives both looked over at me with that same “Im sitting in my own poo and I like it” looks. Scum! They are such bad people! I pooping hate bullies! “Your honor, the plath known as Sheloran was arrested under the suspicion of dealing in pirated media in the parking lot of Sams Coffee Shop in the free port district. Upon her arrest she was found in possession of a burner which she freely admitted to Detectives Sullivan and Marsh seated here, ” he said as he indicated them with a wave of his hand and they both nodded. “that she willfully manufactured in clear violation of laws regulating weapons manufacture and sale. That in addition to her entrance interview where she freely admits to a host of serious and violent offenses, offenses that have been independently verified, clearly indicates her dangerous and violent nature. Also according to testimony from the detectives here today she was argumentative and aggressive during questioning and refused to cooperate with even the simplest. ” Oh poop the were just going on and pooping on about me trying to make me look so flushing bad! I want to jump up and call them all liars but Baxlon said to just sit there so thats what I did. I looked over at Baxlon and oh poop! He was just lying there in his globe stock still and stretched straight out like a flushing board. Something was pooping wrong! Something was really flushing wrong. I just pooping knew it! I couldnt stand it and I leaned over to him. “Whats going on? ” I whispered. “Nothing, shut up. ” “Something is wrong, whats wrong? ” “I said shut the fuck up, ” he whispered. No bubbles, no wiggle, nothing. Just a deathy little hollow whisper. “What! What the poop is going on! ” I whispered as I tapped his globe. “Hes calm … Now shut the fuck up! This is fucking serious! ” he hissed as he shook me a little. “Problem, counselor? ” Judge Dredd said in a polite tone. “Nothing, your honor, ” Baxlon said just as polite as I have ever heard him talk, “Forgive us, your honor, my client is not fully aware of proper courtroom etiquette. ” “Do you need a minute, counselor? ” “N-no, your honor, I have instructed her in proper behavior, ” he said as he glared at me, “and she will behave herself. ” “Good to hear, ” the Judge said with a smile. “Sorry, prosecutor, please continue. ” “Yes, your honor, once incarcerated she only further demonstrated her dangerous and unpredictable nature not only engaging in a violent altercation resulting in the hospitalization of a human but did so in such a violent frenzy that it required multiple applications of a regulation prison pacification rod to safely subdue her, many more than one would think necessary. ” “Hmm, you dont say, ” Judge Dredd replied as he looked over at Sheloran, “Surprising, she doesnt look like much. You can tell she got roughed up pretty good though. ” I was totally pooping caught off guard! They werent supposed to bring that up! Poop! I looked over at Baxlon. “It was self defense! ” I whispered, “And the warden said-” “Shh! ” Baxlon said to me grabbing me with one of his metal pincer thingies. “I will strangle you myself if you say one. More. Word. ” “Your honor, her injuries are trifling compared compared to her victim. ” “You dont say. Show me, ” Judge Dredd said gruffly. The prosecutor handed a tablet to this other person who carried it to the judge. Judge Dredd started laughing a little. “Oh shit! Look at that! Oh that poor tit! ” He started then looked over at me. “Jesus, kid. What the fuck did you do? ” “I-” I started to say something and Baxlon grabbed my arm. Ow, that hurt a little. “She reflexively bit her assailant during a potentially deadly attack, an attack for which she was found entirely not-” “Counselor, while your client may not be aware of how this works, you most certainly should be. ” the Judge said cutting him off. “You will have ample time for your rebuttal. ” Baxlon made a little squeak as he fell silent. What the poop! He squeaked! He flushing squeaked! Oh my pooping oil soaked pool! He pooping squeaked! “One hell of a bite you got on you little frog, ” the Judge said to me. I know I should be more scared but when he called me little frog it reminded me of the guys and I felt a little better. “Thank you, your-” Baxlon flushing pinched the poop out of me! I couldnt help but yelp. Judge Dredd just chuckled a little when I did. The prosecutor started to talk but the judge just held up his hand. “Wait a moment, prosecutor. Im fetching some details about this… Hmm… Ok, let me get this straight, ” Judge Dredd said with a smile. “Are you telling me that Sheloran over here, this little plath, just decided to attack three humans completely on her own in a corridor that is a blind spot, a building deficiency that she only had hours to discover? ” “Your honor, ” the prosecutor replied, “I am merely trying to make the court aware of the incident as further proof of her dangerous and violent nature. ” “Ah, ” Judge Dredd said nodding politely. “I understand completely. Please continue. ” “Yes, your honor. Also during the single day that she was in the general population of the maximum security wing she, according to informants, not only freely admitted to the events in her greatly minimized entrance interview but also freely provided detailed instruction on the commission of the crimes described advising other hardened criminals how to further improve their craft. ” Ooohhhh poooop… I did do that… Poop! It sounded so bad when he said it! I heard a boiling sound and turned over to see Baxlons not only filled with bubbles but water actually splashing out of the closed lid a little. He spun around in his globe and glared at me like he wanted to kill me. DID YOU DO THIS? DID YOU FUCKING DO THIS? suddenly appeared in glowing green letters on the side of his globe facing me. I just looked at him helplessly. “I was scared! ” I whispered. “They asked! What was I supposed to do? ” I whispered urgently. IDIOT. appeared in glowing red letters. Oh poop! Oh my flushing waterlogged poop! He was really flushing mad at me! Judge Dredd was looking over at us with a little smile. The prosecutor was still going on and on about how the information I provided had spread and I had in just a few short hours increased the skill and thus the threat of dozens of dangerous violent criminals posed to the Republic. He kept going on and on about it. Poop! I glanced over at Baxlon. He wasnt even looking at me. He was just bumping his nose on the side of his tank over and over. “In closing, due to the truly terrifying list of crimes both freely and cheerfully admitted to by Sheloran the plath, the additional charges for which she is wanted in the Federation, her violent nature not only demonstrated during her interrogation but when it was actually put in practice during the vicious attack on a fellow prisoner, her willingness to educate criminals here in the Republic further increasing the threat to Republic safety, and her love of manufacturing deadly weapons that she is a danger to the Terran Republic and should be sent to the Federation where she will answer for her many crimes. ” Oh poop! That sounds terrible and even flushing worse, plenty of it was true! I was so pooping scared and Baxlon wasnt looking confident at all. He was just staring at me. If looks could kill I would have died on the spot. And those flushing detectives. They were just grinning those flushing poop sitting grins at me. I wanted to cry. I really did. I almost did. I was so pooping scared. “Your honor, before I make my rebuttal can I have just a minute with my client, please? ” Baxlon said looking daggers at me with one of his eyes. “No, counselor, you may not. ” Oh poop! “But, your honor, Its-” “You will have ample time to speak with your client later, counselor. ” “Your honor, I insist! ” “And I said to shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down! This fucking BULLSHIT has already wasted enough of my FUCKING TIME and Im not wasting ANOTHER FUCKING SECOND OF WHAT LITTLE TIME I HAVE LEFT ON THIS FUCKING PLANET ON THIS. DO YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND YOU LITTLE BOTTOM FEEDING SHITLOACH. ” Judge Dredd yelled at him. He can yell really pooping loud I tell you! I wonder if he has a microphone implanted in there somewhere. I looked at Baxlon. He seemed… relaxed? That didnt make any pooping sense. I was getting confused and scared at the same time. “Now prosecutor, thank you for your well crafted argument. It is without a doubt the best and shiniest PILE OF COMPLETE BULLSHIT I have encountered in a little while. Even though it is BULLSHIT I just had to hear it. I just fucking had to know how you were going to try to sell this, ” Judge Dredd said with a grim smile. “One question. Did you just have a bad day when you threw this bullshit together or are you actually fucking retarded? ” Judge Dredd glared at the prosecutor who started to slump a little. I looked over. Those two detectives still looked like they were sitting in poop but they didnt look like they were enjoying it anymore. “Well, I asked you a question, prosecutor, ” the judge said with an edge in your voice. “Are you fucking retarded or do you just not know your fucking job? ” “Your honor? ” “Oh I see, retarded. ” Judge Dredd said with a smile. “Well kudos for the fucking District Attorney for hiring the disabled. I will make certain to let him know how fucking proud I am of him for giving someone with a few extra chromosomes a chance. ” Oh that prosecutor person didnt like that. Judge Dredd turned to Baxlon. “Sorry shitloach but you arent getting your rebuttal. Im taking it. Tough. And you, ” he said as he looked at me, “Wasted a lot of credits bringing this piece of. attorney. into it. You brought a chainsaw to cut a turd. ” He turned back towards the prosecutor. “Ok, first question. What does the word burner mean? ” Judge Dredd asked with a predatory grin as he leaned forward. “Your honor? ” the prosecutor asked uncertainly. “Im sorry, I forget youre slow. What… does… the… word… burner… mean? ” “Y-your honor its an unlicensed lethal weapon used to commit crimes and then be easily thrown away. ” “Thank you, ” Judge Dredd said with a smile as he leaned back. “See I didnt know that word. I didnt know it because I AM ONLY INTERESTED IN THE FUCKING LAW! The word BURNER doesnt exist in my world because it isnt a LEGAL term. Its a police term. Its a word THEY MADE UP. UNLICENSED LETHAL WEAPON. THIS IS THE MOTHERFUCKING REPUBLIC. I have unlicensed lethal weapons! Going to arrest me? Well? Are you? ” The prosecutor just cringed and the detectives shifted back in forth. Yeah, poopers! Try to wiggle out of that stink! “I ASKED YOU A FUCKING QUESTION. ” Judge Dredd screamed, pooping screamed. “I KNOW YOU ARE FUCKING STUPID BUT UNLESS YOU START ANSWERING ME YOU ARE GOING TO JAIL FOR CONTEMPT. THERE ARE NO CRAYONS IN THERE SO UNLESS YOU WANT TO GO WITHOUT YOUR FAVORITE SNACK YOU NEED TO FUCKING ANSWER ME. ARE YOU GOING TO ARREST ME? ” “No, your honor. ” “But you were all for arresting Sheloran here, werent you? You were fucking FINE with that. In fact your little baby dick was all hard over the thought of shipping her back to the Federation where the chance of her getting a fair trial is about the same as the chance you have of fucking someone not related to you by birth! WE ARE ALL EQUAL UNDER THE LAW. ” “But your honor, she made hers, which is clearly a violation of that law. ” “I made mine and I dont have a license. Lock me up. Go ahead. I fucking dare you you little cum stain. I fucking dare you. I just admitted to making an unlicensed lethal weapon without a weaponsmithing license. ” He leaned forward and glared at them. “Well, going to write out a warrant? Haul me in? ” the judge asked with a sinister hiss. “N-no your honor. ” “Oh hes fucked. ” Baxlon whispered to me with a wink. “That was the wrong thing to say. ” “You arent? But you were all for throwing this little plath into jail, making sure she would wind up in maximum security, for it. ” The prosecutor just stood there like his bones were turning to poop. I went from hating and being terrified of him to feeling a little bad for the pooping guy. “So are you saying that the law works differently for me than it does for Sheloran over there? ” The prosecutor just twitched. “I told you what would happen if you didnt answer me. SIXTY DAYS! ” He slammed this hammer thingy down on his desk thingy really hard. “Your honor! ” the prosecutor yelped like he got poked with something pokey. “GET HIM THE FUCK OUT OF MY COURT. ” “But… but. ” The prosecutor stammered as two uniformed humans approached. “You cant do this! ” the prosecutor squealed. “FUCKING YELL AT ME? IN MY COURT? SIXTY DAYS. BANG)” “Your Honor! Please! ” “YOU DONT KNOW WHEN TO SHUT UP DO YOU? THATS ANOTHER SIXTY. BANG) SUCKS WHEN THE LAW WORKS DIFFERENTLY FOR DIFFERENT PEOPLE DOESNT IT? … YOU DIDNT ANSWER? FUCK! I FUCKING TOLD YOU ABOUT THIS TWICE! ANOTHER SIXTY. BANG)” The prosecutor just started shuddering as the officers placed him in handcuffs. “Now while you are enjoying your little vacation you fucking think about the law and how it bad it sucks when one standard is held to one group of people and another standard is beat over some other poor fuckers head. You are just lucky you arent the asshole, Im sorry, assholes Im really interested in or I would have just kept fucking going. ” As the now whimpering prosecutor was being led away Judge Dredd turned to the two detectives with the scariest grin I have ever seen a human make… and Ive been in jail! “Oh this is about to get good. ” Baxlon whispered eagerly. “Detectives. Hello there, ” the judge said pleasantly. “How is your day going? ” Both detectives glared at him. “Well? If you havent noticed I really hate it when people dont answer me. ” “We have the right to remain silent. ” Detective Marsh said with a snarl. “Fair enough, ” Judge Dredd said with an even scarier grin. Both detectives stood up. “And just where do you think you are going? ” Judge Dredd said with this really nice but completely terrifying voice. “We dont have to answer any questions. If you want to grill us you gotta have a subpoena. ” “I need one if I wanted to compel you to come here but… you are already here arent you? ” the judge said with that pooping terrifying grin. Suddenly uniformed officers walked in through some doors. They had guns! “Yeah, fuckers, you are in my house now. ” Judge Dredd smiled. “You, as you said, have the right to remain silent but you have to listen. Sit the fuck down. ” “We have the right to a lawyer! You cant keep us here! ” “Oh but I can. Now sit your fucking asses down unless you want to be straight-jacketed and tied to the fucking chair. ” Both detectives sat down. “Smart, ” Judge Dredd said with a grin. Oh poop was he scary! “First off I would like to commend you on some truly outstanding police work. ” Both detectives just sat there with their arms crossed completely silent. “I mean, how you cracked this case to begin with, ” the judge said with that same pooping scary smile. “truly amazing. In fact as the cases streamed across our servers I couldnt help but notice just how amazing you were. Thats why I called dibs. I simply had to meet the two… geniuses… who cracked this conspiracy wide open. I guess you could call me a fanboy. ” Oh the look he was giving them was worse than anything Ive ever seen, even in a pooping game! “So tell me, how did you do it? I mean how did you know that Sheloran here was peddling pirated goodies? Oh I know that the media is turning out to be completely legitimate but I can see how it looked. I mean, who could have guessed that she was actually selling tens of thousands worth of legitimate copies. Still, credit where credit is due, you caught her red handed. Solid work, truly…” He leaned forward with a grin. Poop! He looked like something out of a flushing Terran monster movie. “Seriously, how did you know? ” The detectives just sat there stone-faced. “(sigh) You arent doing this right, ” Judge Dredd said sadly. “I hate to impose but Baxlon, could you please tell these guys how this works before I charge them with so much contempt that it becomes a life sentence? ” “Certainly your honor, ” Baxlon said with a wiggle. “Gentlemen, you have to answer but you can simply reply with ‘I wish to remain silent. Keep your yaps shut and he will lock your happy asses up. ” “Thank you counselor. ” Judge Dredd said and oh poop, he gave us that smile. I wanted to hide under the pooping desk! “So, back to you two assholes, ” the judge said as he turned that pooping smile to them again. I was happy not to have to look at that dead on anymore! “I wish to remain silent, ” Detective Sullivan said. “I havent asked anything yet! Fuck! ” Judge Dredd exclaimed. “Jesus, you really arent very good at this! The way I see it, there are a couple of ways you guys could have found out. She was buying a shit-load of media, enough to get flagged and they could have reported it… but thats not what happened. Oh she did get flagged. I asked around. I got two replies. One distributor figured out exactly what was going on and decided that they didnt care and the other didnt even think about it that much. They figured since she was paying full retail they didnt give two shits and happily sent the transactions through. I looked over the case and there is no mention of the police getting any message from any media distributor. Did I miss something? Is that what happened? Now you can talk. )” “I wish to remain silent. ” “Now you are getting it! ” Judge Dredd exclaimed happily, “Awesome! Now the next way that it could have happened and Im totally on board with this being the case if it happened is that someone overheard her and her conspirators during a conversation and ratted them out. That would make sense but… there seems to be no mention of that in anything that I have already demanded, which would be every single thing you have filed, of any informant. Was there an informant and you just neglected to write it down? ” “I wish to remain silent. ” “Now there is only one other explanation on how you knew that Sheloran was up to something less than entirely wholesome, ” the judge said and then he turned to Baxlon. I closed my eyes. I just didnt want to pooping look at that smile. A human tried to pooping strangle me and even she didnt pooping look like that. “Now before you pee your tank Im not accusing your client of any crime in my jurisdiction so dont start screaming, ” he said to Baxlon. “The way I see it, ” Judge Dredd said looking scarier than ever, “is that there was definitely some crime about to happen, a shitload of it. Thing is, none of that crime was going to happen in the Republic. The vast majority of the communications concerning any hypothetical criminal activity didnt take place in the Republic either. ” The two detectives looked at each other and they looked pooping scared. Baxlon started bubbling a little and the words THEY ARE BEYOND FUCKED appeared on his globe. “In fact there is nothing here that the Republic would give two shits about, including the deportation of Sheloran. Do you know who would give two shits about a fuckton of Terran media hitting the streets and who would give a shit about Sheloran getting deported? The Federation. The Federation has a real interest in stopping the flow of games and media into the plath homeworld and surrounding areas and the Federation would just love to get their slimy little hooks into Sheloran here, wouldnt they? ” Judge Dredd asked with a evil hiss. “I wish to remain silent. ” Detective Marsh said firmly but he looked scared. “Im sure you do, ” Judge Dredd chuckled. “I certainly would. And you are completely correct. I cant force you to talk. There are laws. In fact this is a lot of conjecture and any lawyer worth their salt could get you out of this no problem. You wouldnt even need the shitloach. All you have to do is remain silent. ” Judge Dredd chuckled. I had the feeling that the poop was really about to drop into the teapot. That chuckle didnt even pooping sound human. “There are laws that prevent me from grabbing you by your pointy little heads and squeezing them until the truth pops out even though I fucking know what really went down here so you are safe from me. I follow the law… but. ” Judge Dredd smiled wide. It was flushing terrifying! Ive never, ever, ever seen something that pooping scary, even his other smiles. “There isnt a single fucking law against me picking up the phone and calling another department and having a little chat with them. ” The door opened and two people, a human male and a female in gray suits, walked in followed by four really scary looking humans in glossy black combat armor carrying heavy assault stunners. You think pooping prison rods are bad? Those stunners are for when you want someone breathing but you really dont care if their poopers work right ever again! “Detectives, please allow me to introduce agents Galen and Rossi of Republic Intelligence, ” Judge Dredd said with a laugh. “I was talking with their boss and it turns out they have a lot of the same questions that I did and would love to have a chat with the both of you. ” The poopiest funny sound came out of Detective Sullivans mouth as he staggered to his feet. “Dont be stupid, ” the male in gray said as the armored people leveled the stunners at the two detectives. “Do you know what these things will do to you? You can walk into an interrogation chamber or we can roll you into one in a wheelchair. I really dont give a fuck. ” The detectives just stood there in shock while they were surrounded by those scary armored people and handcuffed. As they were being led out of the courtroom I couldnt pooping help it. I stood up. “What the fuck are you doing! ” Baxlon said as he grabbed at me. “Your honor? ” “Sit down! ” Baxlon shouted lunging for me. I hopped away. “Yes? ” “Everything here is being recorded, right? ” “It is, ” Judge Dredd said looking at me oddly. “Detective Sullivan and Detective Marsh can eat my poop! ” I yelled. Judge Dredd started laughing. The detectives just looked at me like I had kicked them right in the pooper! Scum! That felt good! That felt so pooping good! “Duly noted, ” Judge Dredd laughed. “Sheloran the plath states that detectives Sullivan and Marsh can eat her poop. Now sit the fuck down before your lawyer strangles you. ” After the detectives were gone Judge Dredd looked at me. He was still pretty scary. “And now for you, ” he said. Oh poop! I thought it was over! “Your honor! ” Baxlon exclaimed in alarm. “Relax shitloach, ” Judge Dredd said. “She isnt getting deported. Lets put a pin in that right now. ” Oh thank the Waters! I was so pooping relieved. “But, you are definitely guilty of one thing. ” Oh no! What? What did I pooping do this time? Scum! The judge pulled out that plastic bag with my pistol in it. Poop! “This, unfortunately, did break a law. You did make a ranged lethal weapon without a weaponsmithing license. Shame on you! ” “I didnt know! ” Suddenly Baxlon started shaking me! “Shut the fuck up! You just confessed you fucking idiot! ” “You dont know about that law so Im going to educate you before I pass judgement. ” Judge Dredd said looking at me seriously. Pooooop! Baxlon was poking his head against his tank again. “That law is very important and Ill tell you why, ” Judge Dredd started, “First off its not a weapon control law. This is the fucking Republic! You didn't build a WMD or something using nanotech. If you did that, you would be in the shit. The law regarding unlicensed manufacture of ranged weapons isnt a weapon law. Its a public safety law. ” He pulled out my pistol and red laser light came out of one of his eyes and swept over my gun. “Nice! ” he exclaimed. “For every one well crafted, dare I say elegant, weapon like this one there are a thousand zip guns with rubber bands and a nail or slam-fire shotgun pistols made out of plumbing parts that are just one stumble away from going off and hurting the wrong person. Thats why there is a law! It doesnt have shit to do with any ‘burner nonsense. ” He looked at me and smiled. “The court finds you guilty of the manufacture of a ranged lethal weapon without a license and hereby levies a fine of one hundred credits. There! Done! Dont do it again. If you do it again it would piss me off and it wont be a hundred credits next time. Ill make your bank robbing ass fucking feel it! ” he said with the nicest smile you can imagine. “Now I understand that you have a hard time finding a weapon that will suit you. I can respect that, ” he said nodding his head. “Get a weaponsmithing license. There are some good schools right here in the city. ” “But I dont have a diploma and that certificate. ” “Oh I give up, ” Baxlon said. “Just go ahead and say whatever the fuck you want, dipshit. ” “Can it shitloach, ” Judge Dredd said with a laugh. He turned to me. “So? There are plenty of programs that dont require that. ” “Really. ” I squeaked. “Really. I know for a fact that there is a great weaponsmithing school around here that doesnt. I just sent you an email about it. Go there and give it a whirl if you want. You have skill. If you dont want to bother with that you can just go there with one of these and pay the chief instructor to certify it. It wont be cheap. It will cost a lot more than just buying something but you can get something like this stamped no problem, ” he said with the nicest smile. “Did you have to make this thing so fucking nasty? Seriously. This thing is fucked up, ” he laughed. “One last thing before I let you go. Sheloran, we need to talk. Im not going to point any fingers or try to make you confess but I know goddamn well what you were really up to, ” he said looking at me without a smile this time. I start to open my mouth to say that Im innocent. “No. Dont say anything I might have to act on. Just listen. I get the situation you are in. It sucks. It sucks for a lot of people who wind up here in the Republic especially when they come from some backwater like you did. I would be a lot more sympathetic if I didnt know you had a bank buffer worth of credits stashed somewhere but still, I get it. I understand why someone would be motivated to… color outside the lines a little. What you did was outside the lines but not outside the law, not exactly, ” he said as he paused and stared right into my pooping soul. It felt like he was sticking his fingers right into my pond! “You have done nothing definitely criminal… yet but you, little plath, are standing on the edge of a very slippery and rocky slope and you are standing beside someone who just loves wallowing in the mud at the bottom of it. You need to think long and fucking hard about what you do next with your life. I can tell you are a good person, Sheloran, at least for now but you are looking down a path that can change that and change it so quick you wont have time to stop or so slowly and insidiously that you wont even realize what you become. Ive reviewed your case and the records and even looked at one of those bullshit news stories about you in the Federation and I am pretty sure that you are a very nice very good person who has found herself in some unbelievably unusual and messed up situations and have just done what you had to do to get through it. You are pretty damn cool, Sheloran. You did great, ” He looked at me and smiled a tired little smile. “You did great but now it can be over. You made it here, safe and sound. My advice is to go back to the coffee shop, become a citizen, get that certificate even if it takes you a few years, and live a happy healthy normal life. Maybe go and get a weaponsmithing license. You have the skills. Im certain you can do it. You deserve to have a normal life. Thats what you should do. You should shake one of Mr Baxlons metal peckers, turn your back on all of this, and walk away. Just walk away. I suspect that isnt what you are going to do, Sheloran, but you should. Whatever you decide to do you need to make the calls for yourself. Dont let someone like Baxlon here or anyone else tell you what is right and wrong. They will lead you right down the primrose path and one day you will look in the mirror and you wont like what you see or even worse, you wont care anymore. After that, sooner or later, Ill see you again and it will be my unpleasant task to put you away or put away the people who killed you. You know that, right? That is where this sort of thing always leads. You will almost certainly wind up either in prison for real or face down in a ditch somewhere and that would be tragic, Sheloran. You are still a good person, a very good person, right now for now. Thats a lot more valuable than a few credits. Dont trade that away, ” he said with a tired little sigh as he reached for his hammer thingy. So, go and live your life, Sheloran, make your choices but remember one fucking thing, ” he said as he looked right into me. “You are on my fucking radar. You fuck up and I will know about it. I invested a lot of my time looking into this case and talking to you. I fucking hate wasting my time. It pisses me off. Dont piss me off, Sheloran. You wont fucking like it. Get the fuck out of here. All other charges dismissed, ” he said as he lightly tapped his little wooden hammer on his desk and then let it slip from his fingers. He looked at me and he looked like he was a flushing million years old. He just shook his head a little bit and sighed. He seemed really sad. He shrugged and stood up, dusting off his robes. We all stood up and he, dragging that heavy looking cable, left the court. You know what was really poopy? I couldnt just leave. I had to go back to pooping jail! They had to “outprocess” me or some poop! Can you pooping believe it! They told me that I would probably have to go right back into that scummy solitary cell maybe for days! Oh I was so pooping mad about that! It turns out that wasnt the case at all! I was there no time at all before they started pushing me through the process. It was like they were in a hurry to get rid of me or something! Weird. Anyway, I got all of my stuff back (except my pistol. I got my phone so I was able to call Hollister and the guys. Boy were they ever pooping happy to hear from me! They were surprised that I got free so fast and they said that they were going to send a taxi to get me. They also said that all of my media was still tied up with the police. They also said that Baxlon was trying to get it back but it could take awhile. Pooping great. Seventy flushing thousand credits on pooping ice. One pooping great start to my criminal career. They actually flushing pushed me out the front gate. It was kind of pooping funny. As I stood there waiting for the taxi a black grav-car pulled up and stopped right next to me. I started walking and it started to follow me. Oh poop! I thought. What the flush was going down this pooping time? Just about when I started to make a run for it the window slid down and there was the lady agent that was one of the ones that took the detectives away! Of course. Of pooping course she was here. Why wouldnt she pooping be? “Ms. Sheloran, a moment of your time please? ” she said. I just stopped walking and let my head slump forward. Why, universe? Pooping tell me! Why? What the poop did I do? “Sure, ” I say in flushing complete and utter pooping defeat. The passenger door opened and, resigning myself to whatever poop Im going to sit in next, I got inside.

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Pay attention if you want to follow the story, it is a bit complicated. Úriemberek free streaming. C3 9ariemberek free stream for sale. I've decided to post a chapter a week of my new story, A Tinker's Damn, the first book in my new series, Descendants of a Dead Earth. I hope you all enjoy it. For those of you who have already read Chapter 1, I've made significant changes, something I never did with my other stories. If any other chapters are edited in the future, I'll give you a heads up. Should you want to see more, here's a link to my Patreon page. First Chapter 2: Theres No Such Thing as a Free Lunch It took a moment for Maggies eyes to adjust to the gloom, as she followed Tagata inside. Theyd lay several simple cots out in barracks fashion, with long cloths hanging suspended for dividers. Some were occupied, mostly by other Azha, while others were empty. The Sixièmes had already carried the kid to a cot set off to one side, wheeling over a device with attached tubes as the Medic washed her hands. “Well have to intubate, ” she informed them, giving the kid a quick once over while Maggie watched with interest. “Xaak symbiotes carry a tetrodotoxin analog that blocks the sodium channels and suppresses respiration, ” she explained. “Dangerous enough in adults, but in a child…” Blye leaned in, gently tilting his head back as she inserted a plastic guide into his mouth, before taking the tube from her assistant and carefully threading it down his throat. Maggie had seen plenty of docs in action over the years, and she nodded in approval as she watched the Troisième work. Her movements were economical and assured. Blye was skilled and had confidence in her abilities, and she made a note to look her up if she ever took sick. Within minutes shed finished the procedure, securing the tube as she checked the devices readouts. “Good. excellent, ” she smiled, before placing her stethoscope on his chest and listening to his heart and lungs. They spent the next several minutes checking his vitals and taking a blood sample, while she examined her patient. “Id say you got him here just in time, ” Blye said at last, turning to Maggie. “Had you waited any longer, I doubt he would have survived, ” she said, washing and drying the hands once more. “So what happens now? ” Maggie asked. Her own knowledge of Xaak poisoning was limited. “ wait, ” the young medic sighed. “With any luck, his own body will break down the toxin, and hell recover on his own. The ventilator is just to get him through the most critical phase. That being said, Ill start him on an IV while I we run the blood work. Based on a cursory examination, he appears to be malnourished and underweight. Well see if we cant start correcting some of that. ” “How long till you know if hes gonna make it? ” Maggie blurted out, despite herself. It was just wasnt like she knew the runt, or anything. “We should know one way or another by tomorrow, ” she smiled, standing up. “Well monitor him for now, and hope for the best. ” She was suddenly all business and energy again, as she took Maggies elbow. “Well then. I believe I promised you lunch, ” Tagata continued, guiding her towards the rear of the building, only to pause for a moment as she turned back to the orderlies. “Get the IV secured and monitor his heart. If he crashes, itll be in the next few hours. ” “Yes Troisième, ” they nodded, getting to work, as she smiled at Maggie once more. “It wont be anything fancy, Im afraid, ” she shrugged. “Soya bar and a protein shake are all I can offer. ” Maggie snorted. “Do I look fancy? ” she said, showing her dirty and ragged clothing. Blye chuckled at her quip, throwing together identical meals for them both, carrying a tray to a nearby table. It was standard fare, bland but filling. She took a moment to bow her head and give thanks, while Maggie dug straight in. Shed been in tight rations lately. As they ate, the Chevalier regarded her counterpart. “ you under contract at the moment? ” she asked. “tween gigs, ” she mumbled, wiping off her mouth. “Why? You lookin to make a deal? ” “Were a shoestring operation, ” Blye shrugged, “and some of our equipment has seen better days. We could use the services of a good Tinker, if the price is right. ” She considered that for a moment and then nodded. “Im stuck here anyway, till I get my scooter fixed, ” she said at last. “Standard contract? ” “Room and board, free medical care, plus anything you can scrounge were not using ourselves, ” Tagata smiled. Maggie nodded, spitting into her palm and holding it out. “You got a contract. ” Blye did likewise, as the pair clasped hands and shook. The deal now stuck, she began cleaning off her skin with a towelette. “A deal may be a deal, but I am a healer, ” she shrugged. “Germs, you know. ” “Yeah, I know the drill, ” Maggie snorted, wiping her own hand off on her pants. “So what needs fixin? ” “As soon as we finish our meal, Ill show you what we have. ” The medic paused for a moment. “ I I please see your toolkit? ” The Tinker managed a wry look. “Got some delicate instruments, Im guessin? ” Her bearing took on a prim cast. “This is a medical establishment. ” Rising to her feet she stood before the Tinker, her arms cradling her belly as she waited for a response. Downing the last of her shake, Maggie ignored the pose, shaking her head. “Come on, Ill show ya, ” she told her, waving her back towards the entrance. The young woman blinked in confusion, shaking her head, before she squared her shoulders and followed as they went back outside. At her scooter Maggie unlocked and opened up her battered toolkit, pulling out each drawer for inspection. The Troisième nodded as she looked over her gear. Her tools were immaculate, even if they were scratched with use, each one lying nestled in custom-fitted recesses making maximum use of the space, like a set of nesting dolls. “You can tell a Tinker by their tools, ” Tagata recited, nodding in satisfaction. “Its our diagnostic equipment thats in most need of repair, and as you said, theyre delicate. I had to be sure. ” “Been disappointed if you hadnt looked, ” Maggie shrugged, as she closed up her kit. “A craftsperson wants her clients to appreciate her efforts. ” Hefting the case she looked at the medic. “Lead the way. ” Heading back inside Blye chose a different path, taking her into a storage room. Theyd piled a jumble of gear all around them, on the floor and on shelves. “Im afraid we havent seen a Tinker in some time, ” she sighed. “Few to be found on this world. ” “I reckon thats true, ” Maggie agreed, setting down her toolkit and scratching her head as she surveyed the broken equipment. “Need a few hours to give everything a good once over, but then I should be able to tell you how long the job is likely to take. ” “Splendid. Ill leave you to it, ” Blye smiled. “Should you need anything, just ask. ” “I will, ” she nodded, taking the nearest device off its shelf and looking it over. She was engrossed with her testers display, tracing a circuit when the young medic returned, several hours later. “Dinner is ready if youd care to wash, ” she informed her. Looking at her grimy hands, Maggie nodded. “Probably a good idea, ” she agreed, as she ambled off to the head to get cleaned up. Taking a few minutes to scrub her face, and the worst of the grime from her clothing, she arrived somewhat refreshed at the same place shed eaten her lunch. Blye and the pair of Sixièmes were already seated, waiting for her. “I didnt have the chance to make introductions earlier, ” she smiled, indicating the two young men. “This is Prashant Dibra, and Joona Grec. Gentlemen, this is Maggie. ” “A pleasure, ” the one on her left nodded. “Call me Prash. ” “Just Joona, ” the other grinned. “Glad to have a Tinker here. Weve needed one for a while. ” “Dont need to tell me, ” she snorted. “Hows the kid doing? ” “Hes stable, for now, ” Blye informed her. “Hopefully in the next few hours, well see signs of improvement. ” She began serving up their meal, some sort of cooked dish whose main ingredient, though she could smell a hint of spices as the aroma wafted her way. A small helping of greens were on the side, along with a flat it was the bottle she cracked open that had Maggies full attention. “Wine? You have wine? ” she said in amazement. “We have a garden out back, ” Joona told her, as he passed over a glass. “Its not much, but it makes for a nice addition to our meals. Fermentation is a simple process, once you understand the chemistry. ” “Im more interested in the final product, ” Maggie grinned, sniffing the glass before taking a tentative sip. “Oh. wow …” she sighed in pleasure. “Weve been saving it for a special occasion, ” Prash shrugged. “Now seemed like as good a time as any. ” The meal now portioned out, the three Knights bowed their heads in prayer, as Maggie froze, her fork halfway to her mouth. Sighing she lowered it back to her plate, waiting until they finished before picking up where shed left off. “. Im honored, ” she chuckled, as the fork found her mouth at last. The spices were a welcome addition, flavorful, without being overpowering. You never trust a meal where you taste nothing but spices. It meant they were hiding something they didnt want you to notice. “s not just because of your arrival, ” Blye admitted. “Weve heard from the Azhakom government. Theyve given us our walking papers, Im afraid. ” The other two nodded in glum agreement. “ Move along, filthy Terran, move along, ” Maggie quoted in disgust. “How long you got? ” “Another week, local time, ” she answered. “Ive sent word to our Clan Chief, asking for instructions, but weve yet to receive a reply. ” “It could be months before you hear anything, ” Maggie pointed out. “What are you gonna do in the meantime? ” “Well find something, ” Blye said with confidence, “Theres always someone who needs our help. ” “So what got you on the Azhas radar? ” Maggie asked, taking another sip of the delicious wine. She was rationing it, savoring each drop for as long as she could. “Agitation and disrespect of cultural traditions, ” she shrugged. “The Azha you saw, the ones without symbiotes. Theyre all but pariahs in their culture, and our assistance upset the traditionalists. ” “Well, I wish you luck, ” she replied. “I should have everything fixed by a couple exceptions. ” Bye shared a look with her companions. “Then we should discuss the exceptions. ” “Well, your Chromatograph is shot, ” Maggie told her. “Even if I had the I don it would be a waste of time. My advice? Scrap it, and try to find another one. Ill handle it if you like. ” She sighed, nodding. “I was afraid of that. Wed been nursing it along for years, but…” Tagata shook it off, setting it aside. “Take it, I promised you any salvage we couldnt use. And the other exception? ” “Your PET scanner, ” she explained. “The emitter is completely fried. Everything else I can fix, but the emitter is a specialty item. There are some things a Tinker doesnt mess around with, and thats one of them. Its made as a unit, under strict guidelines, cause Radioisotopes are nothin to play with. That needs to be replaced. ” She pulled out her minicomp. “So you got a choice. Scrap it too, or look for a new emitter. I can search the boards if you like, but itll be hit or miss. ” “Maggie. I cannot stress enough how important that scanner is to our efforts, ” Blye said point-blank. “We need that to be operational again. ” “All right, Ill see what I can do, ” she said. “No promises I doubt Ill find one before you have to lift. ” “All we can ask is your best effort, ” she replied, rising to her feet. “Prash, if you could clear, Im going to check on our newest patient. ” She left the dining area, heading back to the ward. “Yes Troisième, ” the orderly nodded, gathering up the empty plates. Maggie kept her glass, as she was still nursing the wine. “Anything I can do to help? ” “Youre our guest, ” Joona smiled. “Shed kill me if I put you to work. ” “Yeah, she beat you to it, ” Maggie smirked. “If youd like, we can give you something to wear and clean your clothes, ” he continued after a moments thought. “Between the patients and their bedding, thats a continuous operation. ” Giving her jacket a tentative whiff, she wrinkled her nose. “Guess I might just take you up on that, ” Maggie answered. “You maybe got a place a gal could scrub up? ” she asked. “Ill show you, ” Joona told her, guiding her back towards the ward. “Theres a small door next to the shower you can put your clothes in, and Ill have something for you in their place when youre done. ” “Thats the best proposition Ive had in years, ” she cackled, making the younger man blush. She popped him in the arm to show she was teasing, forcing a smile out of him, as he opened a door to reveal a simple shower and bench. “Soap is in the dispensers, ” he explained, “take as much time as you want. ” He left, closing the door behind him. Checking the door can never be too polished off the last of the wine before she stripped down, bundling up her clothes and placing them in the receptacle hed shown along with her glass, before turning on the water. Of all the things she missed, a hot bath had to rank high on the list. A shower was a close second, but there was something about luxuriating in a tub, letting the water just soak your cares away. She adjusted the temperature and then stepped inside, standing under the hot stream, closing her eyes and letting the water run down her body, reveling in the sheer pleasure of hot clean water coursing across her skin. It had been so long… After indulging herself for far too long, she got down to the business of scrubbing herself clean and washing her hair until she shut off the water and toweled herself dry, her skin pruned and glistening. Opening the little door she found a simple pullover tunic and loose-fitting drawstring pants, along with a robe and a pair of slippers. They werent ostentatious, but they were more than the robe was almost sinfully soft. She ran her fingers through her ragged mop of hair, bringing order to the chaos, before opening the door and padding out to locate Blye. She found her seated beside the kid, holding his hand, as Prash made rounds with the other patients. “How is he? ” she asked. “I think hes going to make it, ” the medic smiled. “Hes a fighter, this then hed have to be, taking on an Azha-Xaak three times his size. ” She shook her head in resignation. “We got his tests results. Severe vitamin and nutrient deficiencies. Its a miracle hes still alive. ” She reached out, brushing his hair from his face. “I suspect hes been eating Azha food for some time now. Their biochemistry differs greatly from ours. ” “Any idea who his people are? ” “None, ” Blye shrugged. “There are no Clan markings on wouldnt be, being so young. Ive taken a DNA sample. Im hoping that will tell me something. ” “And if you find his family? ” Tagata looked up at her. “Then we take him home. ” She bowed her head, her free hand reaching down to stroke her full belly. “Family is important. ” Lifting her head, she gazed at the older woman. “Is there a reason you havent given me your blessing? ” Blye asked, voicing what had been on her mind since theyd met. “Twice now Ive given you the opportunity, and twice youve brushed it aside. Do you not follow the custom? ” The Tinker winced. “... make me skittish, ” she mumbled, glancing over at the unconscious boy. “Children are a gift, ” the Knight said with reverence, her hand resting on her tummy, “the most precious gift of all, given how few of us are left. ” She cocked her head, her eyes a silent challenge. Part of her wanted to back run instead, she swallowed, steeling her nerve before stepping forward and placing both hands on Blyes stomach. “ May Mother Terra bless this child, and all that follow, ” she whispered, before stepping back away. “Thank you, ” the young Knight smiled. Fighting an urge to wipe her hands on her pants, Maggie struggled to change the subject. “ there a Mister Tagata? ” “If youre referring to the childs would be sperm sample DK-237-J9094-YC-44, ” she chuckled. “A DNA comparison made it a good choice, to maintain genetic diversity. I conceived all my children that way. ” “. all …just how many kids do you have? ” she asked. She stroked her belly once more. “This will be my fourth. ” Maggie blinked, and then looked around the ward. “So where are the other three? ” Blye looked away. “ With their families, ” she whispered, her eyes shining. “The life of a Chevalier in active service is not one that allows for the luxury of yet it is my duty to preserve our species, the best I know how. When this child is born and will be fostered out as well. ” She wiped at her eyes, before holding her belly tight once more. Maggie could only stare in shock at the young woman. “You them away? ” she hissed. “To good families, who will raise them with love, ” she answered, her chin thrust out in defiance. “If our race is to survive, we require every child we can bear. ” Her gaze was a piercing one, burning into her very soul. “I take my responsibilities as a Knight, as a Healer, and as a human, quite seriously. ” Her mouth moved, but no words would come. Maggie turned and stumbled away; the bile rising in her throat, her soul crying out in anguish. First.

Charlie's hair looks like mine at this point. Whether that's a compliment or not depends on his tastes. Looks funny. WE DEMAND AN INVESTIGATION Competition: AFC U23 Championship - Qualifying Final / Tokyo 2020 Qualifiers Kick Off: 12:15am AEDT, 11:45pm ACDT, 11:15pm AEST, 10:45pm ACST, 9:15pm AWST, 1:15pm GMT Venue: Rajamangala Stadium, Thailand Referee: Someone being paid to be there Attendance: The same 10 people as last game. Broadcast: Fox Sports 5, Kayo, My Football YT Channel: Stream: If the My Football one shits the bed, fingers crossed we get Mr. Vietnam. Song of the Day: No Hablo Inglés - Bowling For Soup It's a banger. It's an earworm. It's also a handy excuse to get out of shit if you can pull it off. PREVIEW Welcome back to Ep. 4 of this ongoing saga. Last time we left off, our "heroes" had managed to fluke their way to a 1-1 draw with Bahrain despite neither team really doing enough to show they deserved it. Up next is the first boss battle of the tournament - Syria. Now due to birth date difficulties, apparently most of the Syrian team were born on the 1st or 2nd of January, in years ranging from 1992 up until 1999. So, unless the Islamic calendar has a birthday paradox of time-traveling proportions, something fucky is going on here. I also expect the following: long grass, falling over, an investigation or 6 being demanded. LINE UPS: AUSTRALIA U23 Notes vs Notes SYRIA U23 1. Glover (GK) 22. Ourabi (GK) 14. Deng 3. Hamawi 6. Mourdoukoutas 4. Ryan 4. Mohhamad 3. Gersbach 73" 7. Kerdagli 17. Baccus 6. Hameesheh 8. Duncan 75" 81" 13. Al Bari 7. Najjarine 90" 105" 105+2 14. Ghareer 19. Bouman 65" 100" 10. Koaeh 11. Piscopo 99" 90" 15. Amin 15. D'Agostino 90+3" 114" 9. Barakat Substitutes Substitutes 2. Cleur 1. Ghannam 9. Al Toure 65" 103" 2. Safrani 10. Genreau 90" 8. Kader Adi 12. Holmes 100" 11. Alaji 13. O'Neill 75" 12. Hamad 16. Buhagiar 90" 16. Ibraheem 18. Margush 17. Rihanieh 20. O'Toole 105" 18. Al Hallak 21. Italiano 81" 19. Shalha 22. Folami 99" 20. Hanan 23. Metcalfe 23. Koro MATCH UPDATES -10" Match thread made. Looks pretty? Time to fuck shit up. -4" My eyes have suddenly decided to become cloudy and fuzzy and my glasses aren't cutting it anymore. This oughta be fun now. -1" PREPARE YOURSELVES LADIES AND GENTLEMEN 0" Stream should have started by now, like all things MyFootball, the stream has yet to start. Time to call up Mr. Vietnam! 2" MR. VIETNAM IS BACK! Courtesy of MyFootball being hopeless - I DEMAND AN INVESTIGATION INTO WHY THE FFA ARE SO FUCKING HOPELESS THEY CAN'T SEND THE WORK EXPERIENCE KID TO DO ONE JOB! 7" Syria's first player falls over. Draws the foul - get up you lazy cunt. 10" Syria get a 1v1 on Glover - bomb it harder than ISIS. Ball returns for a quick counter, somehow the Syrian keeper goes down like he's been is probably something he's had previous experience with. 15" Praise be! My Football aren't fucking useless. Tonight we're joined by Adam Peacock, sounding about as interested in this as I am watching paint dry. 20" Other than one shot a piece, nothing dramatic to phone home about. As soon as I type this, Piscopo has a crack from long range. 22" Duncan loses the, won't be the last for the night. Has the ball handling skills of a lesbian (Thank you to a mate of mine who doesn't reddit for that line) 26" Sounds like the 10 people in attendance tonight are the 10 Syrians who managed to escape a war zone. 28" Yes, that instruction from Arnie came through loud and clear, Adam. (Fuck sake. x - Graham Arnold) 30" Legit, nothing has happened in the last 10mins. Apparently there's also 10 Aussies who got lost on their way to Phuket in the crowd. On top of that, the ref is Japanese and Graham Arnold is contemplating life decisions again. 33" Adam Peacock is so bored commentating he's talking about personal hygiene products. 40" Another 10mins has gone by and nothing has happened. /u/GutwrencheR is already suffering PTSD at the thought this shit could go to extra time. /u/Hillside_Desolite is reliving their high school days, u/LiveBuyer is still disappointed with the lack of Folami and to our newcomers; u/Kerrby and /u/bangbngbg welcome to the party, cunts! 41" We get a set piece, fuck it. Adam Peacock notes half of the Syrians are conveniently all born on the cut off date. Followed by a Syrian going down harder than a chlorine bomb. 45" Fourth official indicated no extra minutes, despite players throwing themselves on the ground. HALF TIME: Australia 0 - 0 Syria Report out of the sheds at half-time: We demand an investigation into the replacement of referee "Japanese Guy" and his departure at a difficult time in such an important match. We ask for an examination of the grassland that was not suitable for the Syrian team, while Australian players seem to be wearing shoes that cling to the long grass, so we saw Syrian players fall during the game, while Australia's players are steady. FIFA should propose an investigation into the replacement of referee "Japanese Guy" and his departure at a difficult time of such an important match. The judgment is not fair enough We ask for an examination of the grassland which was not suitable for the Syrian team and doubts that the Australian players are wearing shoes clinging to the long grass, so we saw Syrian players falling during the game, while the players of Australia steadfast. If that proves to be the case, the result of the match must be canceled and Australia is legally lost under the international law of FIFA 3/0 and thus becomes a qualification for the Syrian national football team. 46" We're back! And a Syrian is already down. 56" Nothing has happened. Apparently someone has warts, and /u/LiveBuyer continues to insist Folami is the answer to everything. <3 59. SOMEONE DID SOMETHING! Unfortunately it was Syria and they came close to scoring several times. 65" Off - 19. Bouman, On - 9. Al Toure 65" Lack of VAR checking a certain pen is disturbing. 71" Everyone's yelling at everyone. Pace has slightly picked up. 73" Syrian keeper goes down in a screaming terally. Adam Peacock sarcastically comments someone should call the medics. 73" 7. Khaled Kergali - Syria 75" Off - Duncan, On - O'Neill 76" Syrian keeper is fine. "Remarkably. Adam Peacock, 2020 78" Someone's on a stretcher screaming like they've been shot? 81" Off - Al Bari, On - Shalha 83" Najjarine does something dumb, gives away a free kick in prime real estate. Syria blow it. 85" Syrian player goes down with cramps. This mother fucker has had more cramps tonight than I've had for the past week. (Context: Am female, confirmed dem titties) 88" Adam Peacock educates everyone how to spell 'gone' in 'Strayan. (G-A-W-N) 90" Shout out to YT User 'Noot Noot' whose comment was: this is still better than the cricket. 90" Off: Najjarine, On: Buhagiar. 90" Off: Amin, On: Kader Ali 90" Fourth official believes we should be playing unders. Indicates minimum 5 minutes extra. 90" 1: On for two second Buhagiar is already coming close. 90" 2: D'Agostino blows on balls for good comes in handy when Glover goes the full Janjetovic and handles his balls outside the box. 90" 3: Syrian keeper goes down for something else. Adam Peacock is done with his shit. 90" 3: 15. A'gostino - AUS. 90" 5: Dying embers. Adam, you should know saying anything that could be interpreted as referring to the recent bushfires is offensive! sydneyisskyblue, or an even better/worse one: sydneyisredandblack FULL TIME: Australia 0 - 0 Syria EXTRA TIME, Part I - We're back. 93" Syrian keeper is once again complaining about something. Adam Peacock comments the following: Oh my he's got health insurance. 99. Syria are clearly playing for a penalty shootout. Still unsure if their keeper will make it or die on the field. 99" Off: Piscopo, On: Folami. Quick, someone get /u/LiveBuyer a new pair of pants. 100" Off: Koaeh, On: Alaji 101" Someone yelled 'fuck' really loudly. 103"ish: GGGGOOOOAAALLL - Al Toure you mad cunt! 1 - 0 Australia. About fucking time. We might actually be able to go to bed. 105" Fourth official had indicated with have 1 extra minute of extra time part I. Adam Peacock wants to go home. 105" Gersbach is spreading his legs for all the important people in his life. 105" Off: Ghareer, On: Al Hallak 105 +2" 14. Ghareer (No idea how he get a yellow after subbing) EXTRA TIME 1: Australia 0 - 0 Syria EXTRA TIME PART II 107" D'Agostino comes close, butchers it. Arnie rips more hair out. 109" Folami shoots, misses. Syrian keeper goes to punch a goal post. leading to this tidbit: Don't punch the post, you might hurt yourself again. Adam Peacock, 2020 110" Keanu Baccus kicks the ball so far it's landed in Phnom Penh, Cambodia to waste time. 114" EVERYONE IS OUT OF FUCKEN SUBS. as someone else goes down because they're knackered. 114" 9. Barakat 115" Trent Buhagiar loses everything. 116" End to end play. Syrian striker lucky not to get a yellow for knocking over Glover. 117" Get it in the corner. Graham Arnold. "GET IT IN THE FUCKEN CORNER. D'Agostino 119" Syrian free kick. Commentary reminds us that yes, you will sometimes need to use algebra outside of that Year 9 maths class you paid sweet fuck all attention in. 120" Fourth official had indicated, unless something changes, there's only 2mins before we can all go to bed. 120 +1" Glover punts the ball to the moon to time waste. unfortunately it only just scrapped past Elon Musk's car in low level orbit. 120 +2" Deng gives away a free kick. Syrian keeper miraculously runs up trying to attack despite being revived more times than Greg Page last night. 120 +3" It's all over folks. We've means we play either Korea or Jordan to secure our place at also means another late night shitposting sesh. Syria on the other hand have bombed out of the tournament and will be on the way is probably not the best phrasing or idea. FULL TIME: AUSTRALIA 1 - 0 SYRIA MVP's - All of your beautiful mofos <3 Honourary mentions - Adam can shitpost harder than any of us can.

Úriemberek Free streaming. 0:01 is in Matera, Italy 🔥. I honestly respect this review, I just strongly disagree with it. C3 9ariemberek free stream test. I feel like vanity fair just want these actors and directors on to talk but that would be boring so they give them something to do, even if they dont really do it properly. Hi all, and welcome to r/FireEmblemHeroes newest SOTS post! With the games 3rd Anniversary coming up, we figured now is a good time to address the community with some new stuff, reminders, and a returning event we think youll like! Here to start is SSSs portion on a new flair and some reminders! zzz New Flair: Theorycraft After many requests from the community, were finally introducing a new link flair: Theorycraft! This new flair is meant to be used for posts speculating on stats/builds for characters not yet in the game, new alts, or farfetched ideas about what would happen if other fictional characters were to appear in an unlikely crossover. The rules for this flair will be as follows: Theorycraft posts must be submitted with a description of the build and the chosen skills in the post body, or as a comment posted within 15 minutes. New skills, weapons, or effects that arent already in FE:H must be explained. Any artwork used must be properly sourced by including the artists name/handle and a direct link to the source in the post body or description comment. Essentially, a combination of Rule 7 and Rule 8. Requiring a description is in keeping with the Unit Showcase rules and current theorycraft requirements, and helps to ensure theorycraft posts have some substance and thought behind them, as well as to help readers understand the intent of the skill choices. Any newly-invented skills, weapons, effects, or other mechanics will of course need an explanation so that readers can understand them. The artwork sourcing requirements are in line with our existing requirements to benefit the many talented artists we have in our community, and ensure that using their work does not go without recognition. As with Rule 8, if an artist does not want their art to be used or requests a theorycraft using their art to be taken down, they have the final say. These rules are by no means final - let us know what you think, and well make adjustments accordingly! CYL Fanart Reminder As youve undoubtedly noticed, were in the thick of it with Choose Your Legends 4 raging on, and the line between what can be posted outside the Megathread and what cant isnt as straightforward as we would like. One common misconception we see happening regards fanart, so as a reminder: Fanart of characters not in FE:H must go in the megathread; Fanart of characters in FE:H can stay outside the megathread, regardless of whether it is promoting that character for CYL or not. The reasoning behind this is to maintain consistency with the regular fanart rules. Fanart of characters not in FE:H is not allowed, but for CYL the exception is made that it can go in the megathread. Fanart of characters in FE:H is still allowed outside because no clean line can be drawn between what is propaganda and what isnt, and it would be allowed normally. CYL in general is a difficult time to moderate, so we appreciate your patience and support. Were doing our best, but there will undoubtedly be instances of inconsistency in enforcement, so reports and modmails are helpful and much appreciated! A Quick Thank You Just one more quick thing - weve noticed recently in many threads that members of the community are leaving helpful comments to submitters that forget to flair their posts, or forget to add a Unit Showcase description, which results in the submitter fixing their mistake before we even get to it. This is awesome, as it helps keep the community in order and reduces the number of times we have to remove posts or deal with reports. Thank you to everyone whos been helping their fellow users this way! Now that SSS has bored us to tears with his sub mom status, we can move onto the more fun announcement by yours truly~ Hi there ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to our first announcement post this year involving TeamFE! You might ask yourself: “Wait, doesnt TeamFE usually run their events during the month of NoFEmber? Why is this the first post that weve seen? ” Well, theres an explanation for that. After raising a record high of 13, 560 last year (as mentioned here) we realized that the only way that we could break that record is to make every single aspect of the event better than it ever was. This led us to undertake a long internal development review, where we analyzed our performance, brainstormed new ideas and goals, and researched all possible avenues in line with our actual capabilities. With that in mind, we came to the realization that November would no longer be a suitable month for us to run the event. In terms of scheduling, timing, costs, and other important statistics, nothing about November made much sense as we dug deeper into the learning process. However, another month began to shine as a new possible home for our event… In that same breath, I am excited to announce TeamFE is holding our third charity event in April 2020! As a way to not only raise money for an amazing cause, but to also celebrate Fire Emblems 30th Anniversary as a community, we will bring you a memorable streaming event that you will not want to miss. This includes: Your favorite FE games (especially 3H) All your favorite VAs, both new and returning (which we will announce at a later date. A ton of content creators, streamers, and personalities. An actual ton of signed prizes. An, as far as I know. 1-of-a-kind grand prize* that will also be announced at a later date. With that announcement made, I also want to mention that we will be streaming on our sub Twitch Channel almost every day until the event begins in order to get Twitch Affiliate, which will help improve our stream quality for everyone. Come hang out as we play FE games, meme, and more starting on Sunday (1/26) Thats it for us everyone! Feel free to leave your comments and thoughts below and well be happy to answer any questions we can.

Part 1 As I sat there, in Fernandos shirt, handcuffed, I did my very best to figure a way out of my predicament. There was no time to rearrange the crime scene. If I claimed that Fernando was attacking Sasha and I, and I subdued him, that had obvious flaws from the get-go. The most damning evidence was the blood covering Fernando while I had him tied up, and the splatter matching what was on the sheets. I could claim self-defense. An angry wife comes home to find her husband fucking another woman? In a rage, she grabs the kitchen knife and attacks me. In a struggle, I get the knife from her, and as she attacks, I slash at her throat. The question would be if I slashed at her throat, why was there so little blood on me? Perhaps she spun away from me, facing Fernando? Maybe. Thats my only true defense, to be honest. With a well-practiced effort, I worked up some tears. “Thank goodness you arrived…” I pleaded to the police, “I was so scared. ” Both officers looked to one another and to me in confusion. At least I thought I was getting somewhere with them. That was until the priest, Father Thomas, came down the staircase. He had an iron-clad bible under his arm and wore thick leather gloves. A shiver ran down my spine as I heard Ariochs screams from upstairs. I could tell those inhuman cries were of anger. It was difficult to place whether he was furious at me or the priest. I hoped it was the priest, granted I could still feel the heat of his seed inside of me. Whenever he roared, said heat seemed to intensify. Father Thomas looked to the officers, “Gentlemen if you can restrain the victim upstairs, that would be most appreciated. ” To my surprise, the officers left me with Father Thomas while they went up to restrain Arioch. I tried to plead with him, “Father, I know that adultery is wrong but-” he cut me off, preventing me from spinning my lie. “What did you do to him? ” Father Thomas demanded, his eyes fixed on me. “I dont know what youre talking about, ” I tried to continue playing dumb, but his eyes were boring into mine, searching me for any falsehoods. It made lying difficult, not impossible, but difficult to say the least. “Sasha and Fernando had been coming to me for counseling for weeks. When you arrived, telling Sasha that he was being unfaithful, she came to me, and told me of your plan to trap him in a lie, ” Father Thomas shook his head, “had I known you were a witch, I would have stopped this. But youre a clever one. ” he accused. I scoffed, “Im not a witch! A home-wrecker, fine! That is all that I am! ” Father Thomas shook his head, showing me his phone. On it was a text message from Sasha. she killme He then pressed another button, playing a video of her phone tumbling to the ground, her eyes growing distant as I could be seen behind her, climbing onto the bed. “I give you a child and were all square, right? ” my voice played on the phone. “Your debt paid… tenfold, ” Arioch replied. “Good, then let's do this. ” I clenched my jaw tight. That bitch made a video call to Father Thomas? She was smarter than I thought. Father Thomas produced another object from his pocket, placing his phone down. A fine felt cloth wrapped tightly around it. As Father Thomas unwrapped the object, I saw it was a sizable silver cross, “Do you know what this is, witch? ” he interrogated. “Its a cross, ” I pointed out, looking it over. It was silver, and ornate, “Its a very nice cross, ” I said, thinking nothing of the object in Father Thomass hands. Father Thomas nodded, “that it is. A pure cross, made of pure silver, anointed in blessed oils and holy water. ” I smiled, crosses were funny things. Every priest Ive come across talked big about their ‘holy crosses, but the thing is it doesnt matter who blessed what. The Pope could have pissed on this cross to bless it, it wouldnt count for shit if the bearer of the cross isnt pure themselves, “It sounds powerful, Father. If I hold it will that prove Im no ‘demonic servant? ” Father Thomas took the cross, holding it over my hand, “No, you may not hold it. But I ask, once more: What have you done to Fernando? ” “Well…” I began to explain, “First, I sucked him off, after that I tied him to the bed, and climbed on top of him-” I would have continued my lewd description of what I had done to the poor bastard but then Father Thomas pressed the cross to the back of my hand. A searing pain gripped me, as if my hand was on a stove. Even worse was the pain that rippled out of my abdomen, a similar heat, as if the contact with the cross was burning Ariochs seed out of me! I screamed, recoiling, or trying to, from the accursed thing. Father Thomas pulled the cross back, looking to it, and then to me, “. what have you done? ” I spit on Father Thomas, catching my breath. Sweat covered my brow from the pain and heat that passed through me, “fuck you! ” I shouted. “This cross purifies, ” he explained, “it only burns those who sin, and even then it never leaves a mark! ” Father Thomas exclaimed, “yet with you…” I looked to my hand, a burn in the cross's shape etched into my skin, “Oh my…” I narrowed my eyes, “Why did you…? Who gave you the right to brand me with that! ” Hatred filled me, and I saw red as the priest threatened to further sear the mark of God into my hand. “Dont you dare try that again priest! ” I screamed, “I swear Ill rip your tongue out! ” Still, he threatened me with the cross, “What have you done to him, what pact have you made with that demon? ” Father Thomas interrogated. I attempted to rip my hand from his grasp but he held firm, “Nothing! Ive done nothing! ” Father Thomas leaned closer to me, his breath uncomfortably close to my skin, “You are not the first witch whom I have met who made pacts with demons. The rewards seem enticing, I know, but they take far more than they give. You will not receive something for nothing, ” he explained. I growled at him, “Of course they dont give something for nothing you pervert! ” I tried to pull away, “Get away from me! ” Father Thomas sat back slightly, “what did you do to Fernando? ” “I sent that cheating playboy to hell! ” I screamed, finally pulling my hand free from Father Thomass grip. Father Thomass face fell, and he glanced to the floor, “My God, how could you? ” He shook his head. “You are heartless. ” I fixed Father Thomas with a hateful gaze, “God is heartless. I just rid the world of his less faithful children, if it benefits me, so be it! ” Father Thomas faced me, pity in his eyes, “Who hurt you, Bella? Who was it who did such harm to you for you to lose your faith? ” I spit in his face, “Dont you dare pity me! I do not need God, He sure as shit didnt need me! ” Father Thomas wiped the spit from his face, “God needs all of His children, and loves all of them. Even you, Bella, who oppose Him. He would welcome you with open arms and take you into His protection if you asked forgiveness for these sins. ” I felt heat rush to my face as my rage boiled over, “Protection? ” I seethed. “When I needed protection God abandoned me and my mother! A mother, who Ill add, was faithful until her dying breath! ” my voice hitched as I recalled her dying next to me, “Even as they fucked her to death, she was asking God to save her! But did He? ” I waited for Father Thomas to offer me an answer. “Wicked men will do wicked acts, ” he resolved. I laughed in his face, “Oh what a cop out! ” I accused, “You cant even justify it yourself! Why would God let my faithful, dutiful mother, succumb to such ‘wicked men? ” I shook my head, “God left us a long time ago preacher! But Arioch? He came to me! He was too late to shield me, but he gave me the next best thing, ” I smirked to Father Thomas wickedly, staring him down, “He gave me vengeance. ” Father Thomass pity disappeared as he got to his feet. He returned the cross to his pocket. “Thank you, Bella, ” he announced as he strode up the stairs. The way he appeared so sure of himself unnerved me to no end, “Thank you? ” Father Thomas nodded and left without speaking another word. “For what? ” I urged. Father Thomas said nothing more to me as he vanished up the stairs. Father Thomass behavior perplexed me. What, exactly, was Father Thomas thanking me for? I could hear Father Thomas chanting and speaking words from the bible as he did before. The bed slammed against the floor; the headboard cracked against the wall with a thunderous crash. Glass shattered, items fell from the walls and tumbled to the floor. The very walls around me shook as Father Thomass chanting grew louder to rise over the cacophony coming from upstairs. A sinking feeling crept over me as I tried to reason out what I had said that was so helpful to him. Ariochs angered roar provided me my answer. The boom of his voice shook my entire body as it vibrated through the floor and into my bones, “Bella, you stupid whore! ” My blood ran cold at the harsh words, to hear my Master calling me out after Father Thomas had thanked me did not bode well. What had I done? “You turned over my name you pathetic tramp! ” Ariochs screams answered my unsaid question, “How dare you give my name to a priest? ” My stomach plummeted to my feet. I couldnt comprehend what I had done! Father Thomas goaded me, tricked me into revealing which demon I had summoned. Oh no I thought to myself, if the priest can send him back, he wont have his vessel in Fernando! My free hand rested on my midriff as I felt the warmth rise inside sharply. Ariochs seed was still inside, maybe it would still take? Maybe I could still carry his child. “I curse you, miserable wench! ” Ariochs words carried intensity and power now, and as they struck my ears, pain overtook me. I couldnt keep quiet as the most painful menstrual cramps ripped through me. Doubled over in pain, I could only gasp and claw at my skin as it felt like a hot poker was searing the inside of my womb. Fingernails cracked and snapped in the carpet as I reached out for something to hold on to as I felt horrific cramping and sharp hot pain wracking my body. In a moment of abject horror, I felt the heat burst out of my body, between my legs. A torrent of blood flowed out of me! It rushed out so heavily, I could only compare it to a years worth of menstruation, striking me all at once. Both in pain and in the volume rushing from my body. The room spun as I realized the blood loss was making me dizzy, as another horrific contraction wracked my body, I screamed out, “Help! Im dying! ” before blissfully passing out from the pain. … My eyes opened to a white ceiling and harsh fluorescent lights glaring in my face. I was in a sterile hospital bed, that much I could tell. My throat was sore, likely from the screaming, but my whole body ached. From my fingernails down to my hips, everything felt as if I had just run a marathon. With a grunt, I tried to sit up, only to find my hands, both of them, secured to the side of the bed. I panicked, it reminded me too much of the traffickers. I tugged hard at the zip ties on my wrists, to where I was certain they were cutting into my flesh. Soon another priest and Father Thomas rushed over. The second priest had an English accent. “My God Father Thomas! Whats wrong with her? ” Father Thomas looked down at me, “Youre protected, Bella! Stop hurting yourself! Calm down! ” Two priests, no doctors, I wasnt in a normal hospital. “Sister Catharine, can you assist us, please? ” the English Priest requested. A nun rushed into the room to help. “Where am I! ” I demanded to know. Sister Catharine answered me, “Youre in the Vatican. ” My eyes widened, “W-What? Why? ” I demanded. “Youre a witch, we couldnt place you in a normal prison, youd likely sacrifice someone elses soul and escape…” Father Thomas explained, “So you are being held, and treated at a specialized Vatican facility. ” “Treated? ” I screamed, “for what? ” Sister Catharine answered, “Maam, you… well, your pact with the demon came with a cost. ” I narrowed my eyes on her, “It would only cost me having his child! ” “Well, ” the nun explained, “you wont need to worry about that ever again. ” The weight of what she said hit me harder than I thought it would. The pain I felt, was Ariochs wrath for me giving his name to the priest. Now Id never be able to repay the debt the way we had agreed to. Now Id need to find souls to feed him, and that wasnt likely if they trapped me in the Vatican. I started to laugh; these holy bastards had screwed me over worse than any demon could have. If not for this priest and his merry little band, Id be in the clear! But no, once again, God fucked me over! The priests had stepped away from me, I realized, as I was laughing hysterically. I locked eyes with the English priest and forced myself to laugh harder in his face. Tears were streaming down my face but I couldnt stop the laughter as I laid there in the hospital bed. “Has she gone mad? ” the English priest asked. Father Thomas concurred, “she may have. ” Maybe that was my best bet, making them think I had lost my mind, so I continued to play the part. Laughing as hard as I could until they left the room. When they had finally left, I closed my eyes, squeezing out my tears. A deep steady breath settled me and got me to clear my mind. Arioch was mad, yes, who wouldnt be? But I doubt he forgot our debt. I made a mistake, and while demons arent the forgiving sort, as long as I paid my debt to him, then I could get myself back into his good graces. Solve the problem, thats where I was now. The problem was: Im in the Vatican. Hallowed ground? This was the mother of all hallowed ground. No matter where I stepped, so I had to figure out how to do this with none of the powers my pacts had granted me. I opened my eyes, looking to the zip-ties. I could try to break the ties but I was more likely to rip the skin off of my hands, considering how tight these things were. Maybe if I broke my thumb, maybe slide my hand out of the tie. Before I could think of something, Sister Catharine arrived and began to wheel my bed out of the room. I couldnt let her see me lucid, shed likely tell someone. I examined her, pushing my head up against the pillow to tilt my face upwards enough to get a good look at her. She was of middle eastern descent, with a fairly dark complexion. I decided the best course of action was to offend her by attacking her race. “If you release me… Ill buy you a goat! ” I teased. She glanced down at me briefly before turning her eyes forward once more, ignoring me. “Where are you taking me, you fucking camel jockey! ” I shouted. She ignored me as best she could, but I could see I was pushing her buttons. I grinned, “Hey, whats a camel say to the nun? ” Finally, she glanced down at me, just in time for me to give her a good glob of spit, right in her eyes. She stopped pushing the bed and began to wipe the spit from her face. I burst out laughing, shrieking in joy at her misery. The sad little nun was on the verge of tears! Try as I might, however, I couldnt break myself free, even with her distracted. “Fatima? ” Father Thomas walked over to her with a towel. I really got a good shot at her. It confused me, however, to hear Father Thomas call her Fatima. I thought her name was Sister Catharine. “F-Father Thomas Im sorry, ” she sighed. Father Thomas shook his head, “No Sister, its fine, ” he glared down at me, “The unclean will do much to sully those who follow God. ” I sneered at him and gave him a good hiss before the pair began pushing me down several hallways again, pulling me into an elevator that was going down. “Throwing me to hell? Ill dance with the devil! Were friends! ” I shouted, hoping to further my insanity illusion. “Father Thomas, what happened to her? ” Sister Catharine, or Fatima, whatever her name was, asked. Father Thomas sighed, “She made a pact with a demon. An attempt to have his child in some trade for unholy power, more than likely. ” “Wheres my husband? ” I shouted, wondering what became of Arioch. If they imprisoned him with me, then perhaps we could work together. “Hes with Fernando, ” Father Thomas blanched. Father Thomas exorcised him? “How could you? I loved him! ” I screamed and thrashed. Father Thomas scoffed as he stared at the doors, “Demons do not love. ” My Thrashing began to get Sister Catharines attention, only for Father Thomas to motion to her and make her turn from me. “Ignore the unclean, ” Father Thomas said as the elevator doors opened. More white hallways, this time, they wheeled me into a room surrounded by glass. Father Thomas cut my restraints, and I was pushed out of the bed. I tumbled to the floor, a bit stunned. Before I could react, they rolled the bed out of the room and a glass door closed. By the time I rose to my feet, they locked me inside the glass prison. I examined the room, there are a few prisons, most empty. “Most, ” Father Thomas explained from outside my cell, “need not be held here. But you, Bella? You fit the criteria. ” “Maybe you can fit into my criteria? ” I alluded to Father Thomas. Without even giving me a second look, Father Thomas was wheeling the now empty bed away from my cell. “Faggot! ” I shouted after him. I was alone. Imprisoned and alone. It wasnt the first time, but it was the first time in a long time. It would remain that way for weeks. … The food was terrible. There was a small toilet in the corner made of steel, had the seat welded tight to it, and the button to flush? That was outside my cell. I had to ask the guard to flush. I tried to stage a protest of not asking, but when the stench grew too great, well, he flushed it anyway. To my dismay, the toilet did not clog. I had hoped it would, so I could stage an escape. Unlike other prisons I could not roam around anywhere. They confined me to the four walls of the prison cell. My only company the guards who brought food to me, and the occasional clean linens. Every day, Father Hammond would come by and ask me the same question: “Will you repent? ” I think my spit was building up on the inside of the cell. No one came to clean the walls. I had come up with the most disgusting of escape plans, which involved smearing my feces over the clear glass sides to block their view of me. My goal was to force them to come inside and clean the walls. My first attempt at this earned me a blast from a fire hose. From the ceiling. I realized no one knew of this place; it violated many of my human rights. That being said, Im certain the Vatican did not consider me human, or worth saving. They soaked my clothing and by association everything in my cell. For a good day and a half everything was still wet. The bed still stunk of mildew ever since. These conditions were, to be honest, deplorable. I started to lose my mind for real. Then he arrived. The moron. I was resting in my dry, but musty, bed when I heard lots of shouting and overt protests from a young man, maybe in his twenties or late thirties. I sat up to see a man in black robes being led into the neighboring cell I was in. I would find out later that this man was Immunda. Immunda wore black robes, had tattoos of various occult symbols on his hands and face, and sported a rather long black beard. It was very unkempt. To be honest, him even sitting in the neighboring cell gave off a stink that I would describe to this day as, rough. It seemed bathing wasnt his strong suit. He must be French. Immunda shouted, “If anyone can do what you ask, it is I! The grand summoner! Immunda! Now give me back my Sanguine Amber! ” It piqued my interest, its one thing to summon a demon into someones body. The demon treats the human body like a finger puppet but it limits them to the abilities of the vessel. If a possession lasts long enough, or the demon is powerful enough, it might gain the ability to perform some next level magic. Moving objects, levitating their body, they might gain the ability to whisper things into peoples minds. But, mostly, they cannot perform with the same level of magical potency they would otherwise. So just summoning up a demon was an interesting one. When the guards left him, I did my best to get his attention. “Hey, you…” I tapped on the glass. He sat on his bed, which was on the far wall. He scoffed at me. I frowned, “You plan to summon a demon? ” This seemed to get him talking. “Yes! ” He grinned to me, “Soon… these fools will all burn! They are creating a room for which I can pull forth a demon from hell! They think they can interrogate it and make it tell them its secrets! ” he chuckled. Well, no. If he just chuckled that would be one thing. He cackled. He cackled like an evil villain revealing his master-stroke to the hero when there was nothing that could be done to stop him. Immunda continued, despite my silence, “But I plan to summon a powerful demon! ” he grinned, “this demon shall burn them all and serve me! ” My face fell. Tying a demon down was hard. You could, in theory, get an imp or some other dark little spirit to follow you around. Maybe, if you were a powerful Summoner, and knew what you were doing, you could get a lesser demon to come forth. But to do so, you would need a powerful artifact. “What will you give the demon, in return? ” I ask. Lacking a powerful artifact, you needed a suitable sacrifice. “I will serve it! ” Immunda grinned, “For I shall summon the demon Lord Asmodai! ” He had fully piqued my interest. Asmodai was the boss of all things hateful. That meant Arioch was his subordinate. If, somehow, I could serve Asmodai, he may make Arioch forgive my debt. That was my plan, anyway. Immunda planning to summon forth such a powerful demon, however, seemed unlikely. A pair of bishops walked by and placed an object under glass outside of either of our cells. When they left, I looked to see a small red disk no bigger than a silver dollar. But I felt the power inside of it. Oh, it was intense! I plastered myself against the side of my cell, trying to get a better look at it. It was beautiful, and it filled me with heat like I had never felt. “What is it? ” I asked to no one in particular. Immunda answered, “I found it while using my divination techniques! In a small town in New Hampshire. I found a house that had burned down, and in the garage, under the wreckage, I found it. ” “And, ” annoyance crept into my voice, “it is? ” “Sanguine Amber, ” he smiled widely, “Angel blood. Angel blood spilled by force, not given, but taken. ” I turned to the object. No wonder it had such power, such incredible spiritual energy. From the corridor, I heard a familiar voice echo, “New Hampshire? He found an object that could allow him to summon a demon? ” Father Thomas was speaking to someone and coming closer to our cells. With him was a bishop. “It could do far more, we are still studying it. It contains an incredible spiritual power the likes of which we have never seen before, ” the Bishop explained. It was clear they were talking about the Amber, there wasnt anything else here that was powerful in and of its own right. I spotted Father Thomas, and to further sell my madness act I screamed at him. “Hypocrite! You destroyed the sanctity of my marriage! ” I spat against the glass of my cell. Father Thomas ignored me and continued to Immundas cell. Outside of it he gave a critical appraisal of Immundas appearance, “He is young. ” The Bishop clarified, “You are wrong, Father. This man is almost eighty-five years of age. ” I turned to Immunda, surprised. If the fool could remove the years from himself without some pact on his soul, which I didnt detect, then that Amber was the real thing. The Bishop continued to explain, “The object he obtained, he claims, rejuvenated him. ” The pair then walked to the dais that held the Amber under glass. “That same object is what he plans to use to summon the demon, ” The Bishop explained. Father Thomas examined the Amber under glass, “He found this in the United States? ” "He claims he found it via divination, that its power called him to a burned down house where he found it in a garage, of all places. The family of that home cannot be found. The Bishop motions to the amber again, It is concentrated Angel Blood. “Angel Blood? ” Father Thomas said, shocked. I remained quiet as a mouse, eavesdropping on their conversation, taking in all of it. “He calls it Sanguine Amber, ” The Bishop confirmed. “So we took this from him when he summoned the demon? ” Father Thomas asked. I grinned. Oh, when Father Thomas discovered what his own church was planning, he would be so disappointed! “No Father, ” the Bishop began, “he says he can use it to summon forth a demon. ” “So then, ” Father Thomas tried to reason, “We have stopped him, and we plan to purify this object? ” Denial is an ugly thing to most, but for me? It was glorious. The Bishop gives Father Thomas a rather penetrating glare, “No Father Thomas, the Vatican fully intends to summon forth a demon. ” The look on Father Thomass face is priceless. Not only is it a face of shock, but behind his eyes I can see a betrayal he did not expect. An anger takes him as he objects to the Bishop. “Bishop Ricci, you cannot be serious! ” Father Thomas bellowed, “The demons which I cast out have only echoes of their power! ” he frantically looked to the Amber. I feared for a moment he might try to break it or otherwise make off with it to prevent them from following through with their plan. “But this? ” Father Thomas lamented, “To pull a demon from the pit? Why would the Church risk it? ” I drank in Father Thomass dismay, even as Bishop Ricci began to justify their behavior. “Father Thomas, you yourself know the increase in demonic activity as of late. Youve seen it firsthand! Your reports have shown statements that are most concerning! ” Bishop Ricci explained. “Mostly regarding the coming of a ‘Destroyer. ” Father Thomas was livid! I watched as he clenched his fist. Oh, I wish he would have punched Bishop Ricci but alas; Father Thomas composed himself. “Bishop Ricci, I have said before that those statements can be from the demon or from the possessed and could be the demon pleading to remain inside the victim! ” Father Thomas countered. To his credit, Father Thomas isnt wrong. Demons will say just about anything to avoid getting kicked out of a vessel. Youre considered weak if you possess someone and get sent back to hell by a mortal. Immunda then interrupted my train of thought, “The Demons shall consume your church! ” He said it in Latin. As if those in the Vatican wouldnt understand Latin. Idiot, I thought, you will get them on to your plan, you fool! Much to my dismay Father Thomas and Bishop Ricci then moved well out of earshot of the both of us. A pair of priests walked by my cell, escorted by a pair of guards. The priests continued forward as the guards unlocked Immundas cell. “Come along, they need you, ” the first guard said. Immunda grinned as they slapped cuffs on him, “Yes, they do. ” Moron. I thought to myself. As Immunda is lead down the hall, I heard Father Thomas shouting. "I have to protest this insanity. I grinned wide at hearing him in disarray with his own church. "A Demon to be summoned, here, will be a disaster to say the least. Father Thomas pointed out... That was the last I heard from the hallway, at least until I felt it. A familiar heat, and a powerful one. I smelled sulfur pass through the air and I rushed to the front of my cell to see what was happening. After some amounts of struggling and unclear sounds, I heard Immunda shouting, “Haborym Fire! ” I flinched. Haborym was a powerful demon, but he didnt lend his power out willingly. The best you could do if you had no pact with him was a fire that couldnt burn anything. As expected, a few moments later, Immunda was screaming in pain. After a few minutes the guards haul Immunda into his cell and tossed him inside. I notice his head has a burn mark of the cross. I scoffed, “He got you too, huh? ” The sound of hooves clopping against the concrete floor grabbed my attention. Walking between three priests and the Bishop, chained in silver, was a succubus. A real, live, succubus! She stood taller than those around her, and her body just screamed of all the lusty intentions a womans body could. A dark purple corset adorned her chest, her legs ended in red-furred goat's feet. She had long dark-red hair and purple bat-like wings. Massive wings, beautiful leathery wings with claws peeking out of each wing-bone. Her tail was thin, long, and had a spade tip. Her green eyes glowed, though she looked disheartened. On top of her head she had a pair of wonderful large goat's horns, beautiful horns. I pressed myself to the glass, shouting, “Youre beautiful! ” She turned to face me and I quivered as I felt the power within her. She was not a normal succubus, no. There was a deep power of hate inside of her that rivaled even Arioch. Immunda must have failed to summon forth Asmodai, but maybe this was his concubine? If she was, she had to be powerful. I felt it as her eyes met mine. As they did, everything in my life came into place. I knew what I had to do, exactly what I had to do. “Yeah, I know, ” the succubus said as she walked by, “get me out of here! ” I had to serve her, and her Master. There was no other course of action. I had to become an acolyte of Asmodai. Part 3.

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Okay friends so i have seen THREE comments now in the last hour or something that said "yeah i'll watch guatemala at some point. probably before all-winners. but i don't know if it's worth it i mean i keep hearing it's bad/meh" or things to that effect now my head is cloudy because i've been sick for like a week which puts me in prime position to write an ill-conceived, loosely worded, only vaguely mentally present shitpost and THIS ONE is going to be about why i won't STAND for such nonsense guatemala BAD. guatemala MEH. my friends, guatemala is. okay. okay look. it's not the best. it's not great. i'm not gonna sell you on that. is it in almost anyone's top five? nah. top seven, even? nah. is it even in my top ten? no. but look, it's like my #15 or something. and that's not bad! right? think about it! that's solidly top half! that's better than. like. come on, if you're debating "do i even watch this one. and i'm telling you it's at least in the top HALF somewhere, then, like, yeah of course you should! okay. so like. yes. guatemala is not without its flaws. it's got some kind of forgettable contestants. some peculiar editing choices. it's, you know, it's not perfect, and for literally the entire >decade i've been a survivor fan, it has absolutely ALWAYS been "the season no one really talks about" or "the average survivor season" to where it's almost a meme, and at this point it's safe to assume that that will never change. BUT. HEAR ME OUT. no one talking about it means it's not BAD. right. right. the thing about guatemala is nobody talks about it and you'd much rather be that than be like season 22 or 26 which only get brought up so much because a ton of people hate them. or people say it blends into the fold relative to other Survivor, not that it's actively forgettable and boring in itself. this, like. this is a subtle distinction i think that maybe folks who haven't seen it aren't catching. it's not like survivor: guatemala is some boring thing where every episode is forgettable and a waste of your time. that would make it BAD. that would make it survivor: one world or survivor: ghost island. rather, most of the episodes are like "huh! that was kinda enteraining! i like that. nothing too special, but hey, it was nice. which, relative to other survivor, makes it a season people will forget about, but in and of itself makes it fun. so if you are debating whether to watch guatemala before WinRARs At War, my answer to you is a solid YES! i mean also depends how much time you have and what else you haven't seen, but wtf i've seen people comment who say it's the ONLY one they've not seen from this cast and they're still unsure like you fucking sat through one world, ghost island, cook islands, all-stars, redemption island, s34 and you're still debating. this is so much better than those. so with all that said here is my SPOILER-FREE (using most traditional definitions of spoiler. like, technically "survivor: guatemala has a tribal swap and at least one blindside. are spoilers, but probably not ones anyone clicking this list would mind) list of things that YOU are MISSING if you haven't seen survivor: guatemala yet. just tell me that a season that has all of THESE things sounds. boring. to you: opens on the literal hardest and longest challenge in the entire history of survivor, where the contestants are basically just told "here's what you're doing. fuck off and have fun" and everyone needs to fall asleep during the challenge because it runs overnight. it is so long and surreal. it is barely even a "challenge" yet, technically, it is one. it is SO COOL. what could possibly be the challenge that does this? spoiler" literally just the concept for the opening challenge, you'll find out within ten minutes) within: the two tribes are told to HIKE to find AN AUTHENTIC MAYA RUIN. which will serve as one of their campsites. literally the challenge is "you're playing for a cool shelter. go find it. go as fast as you fucking can. uh, have fun i guess. that's it that's the challenge" and then the tribes have to go sprint a marathon towards it. THAT IS SO COOL? THAT IS BARELY EVEN A SURVIVOR CHALLENGE it feels like the amazing race or something, or at least my image of the amazing race having never watched it, but if it's anything like this, i should. i'ts just a very cool, bold, outside-the-box way to start off a show! and after 12 hours or some shit the finish is NAIL-BITING u wouldn't believe. (TAR fans: am i right, is it anything like this premiere? if so i should watch) basically half the fucking men straight-up die during the opening challenge (there, take that island of the idols, a TRUE "female power narrative" and it's pretty intense literal coolest shelter ever in survivor it's so dope wow u will be amaze overwhelmingly considered by people who have seen the season to be one of the ones that did the most and the best with the location/theme. like basically on the level of seasons three and fifteen, or at least right behind them. so if you're tired of fiji this season is quite a change lovable nurse helps her tribe when they're all dying, is an underrated hero of a forgotten season; pls someone stan her with me landscaper comes up with the literal most unbelievable AND most strategically unnecessary, pointless lie in survivor history. nobody believes it. he sticks to it indefinitely regardless. if you like ironic deadpan comedy this is the funniest shit in the world. it's just such a weird side narrative where an otherwise very cool, composed contestant who feels like a very Normal Human Being has a fucking casaya-level baffling angle to his character that feels wildly out of place and quite silly. spirit of elvis presley briefly reanimates and possesses probably the last contestant in the cast you'd expect gruff, off-color contestant with delightfully over-the-top massachusetts accent is one of the best narrators and most badass underdogs in survivor history; will immediately end up on your dream Second Chances cast list for all time fun strategic superfan who will also make your Second Chances list invents a brand new sport using bait that's more entertaining AND more ethical than fishing; goes platinum birthday party! birthday party! whole bunch of endgame shit involving cars (less upsetting than the survivor: fiji version. context if you haven't seen as many of the older seasons. there's a "car curse" in survivor where for years there was always an endgame reward where someone won a car, and that person infamously always lost the season. they bring it up a bunch here in a fun meta way and a lot of stuff happens. so if you haven't seen a lot of the earlier seasons 'the person who gets the car loses' was already a big deal to know before this season basically) soft-spoken southern gentlemen accidentally regress like twelve steps backwards on the evolutionary timeline any time anyone lets them too close to one another; the results are indecipherable someone is blindsided and delivers the most iconic, hilarious, and passive-aggressive thing anyone has ever said on the way out of tribal council in survivor history, but the best part is i am referring to multiple different episodes here. pick your favorite! skinny nerdy gay SuperFan does pretty well, is a big character, and while he has his share of detractors he's generally less controversial than his modern equivalents; has some heartwarming content along the way, too. interesting contestant who there's a decent chance you'll like! lots of superstitious shit Brandon Bellinger at final tribal council, a contestant delivers possibly the most hilariously awful answer in survivor history, it's subtle but just astounding and i still love it wacky buffoon character puts the "man" in "doorman" and generally has a very unique take on the english language; is loud and boisterous and opinions on him vary, but he's for sure got a huge fanbase and at least a couple entertaining moments. basically picture like rodney or rocky without all the wild misogyny and you have an idea. he's still not my cup of tea but certainly has a ton of fans so you'll probably be one too, and he's undeniably unique beloved fan favorite from a previous season nukes their iconic beloved status by saying some asinine and frankly offensive shit, but also they're so ridiculous and immature about the way they say those things that it almost wraps around to ironically funny? or at least pretty meme-able. like a couple very offensive remarks but they're so abrupt, silly, and juvenile that once you overcome the shock it's kind of like "lmao okay what a. what a ridiculous thing for a person to say" one of the more compelling villains in survivor history has an actually pretty complex, grey portrayal and memorable exit; diehard fans of this contestant or this season might actually tell you this is the best and most meaningful item on this entire list "okay but who's brandon bellin. okay he's just really cool and funny and you'll like him! okay? trust me. i just didn't have a snappy little zinger for him probably the most entertaining, hilarious-bordering-on-malicious, and ludicrously specific and outside-the-box execution by the producers of a tribal swap in survivor history. the way they did it is just so weird and hilarious and it's great, i love it, they should do shit like this more often instead of just pick an egg out of a bowl. it's so silly and so funny. football player becomes cool heroic underdog, likable hero, should have been brought back for another season by now honestly one of the most underrated back-to-back pairs of episodes in survivor history occurs at one point in the season. imo. i mean you probably won't love it as much as i do and it gets very little press so don't set your hopes too high on it but man there's one pair of episodes here that sets up some dope-ass narratives and i just think they did a really good job with it and it hits me in the feels the first hidden immunity idol EVER wow how historic, and it's underpowered compared to modern ones but tbh i prefer that. i wish they'd go back to the rules they use here. it's like an alternate form of do-it-urself immunity challenge and just a fun lil' novelty! i like it! and it plays out in a fun way. and now the reason for this post pre-s40: the winner plays one of the most impressive games in survivor history and has a satisfying narrative in some ways, but has always gone down as one of the most obscure winners of all time and from one of the most obscure seasons. probst said he wanted them back but that they have always said they'd only do it if it was all-winners, they've said the same thing openly too i believe, so we all kind of figured it'd never happen but held out hope knowing they WOULD be here if it was all-winners, and now that season is here, and that contestant is back, and a season that the producers have NEVER officially acknowledged is, well over a decade later, getting its first returnee, who played one of the most underappreciated but effective games in survivor history. and damn don't you wanna be able to appreciate this Historic Moment in real time. i'm not gonna say guatemala is the best thing survivor has put out. it's not. there are better seasons! depending which ones you haven't seen yet, i might even recommend others first! but guatemala, because it's probably like a 7/10 or something. it's not great OR bad so nobody has a reason to talk about it. and i think some newer fans see this "guatemala is the forgotten season" rhetoric and think it's an actively BORING season and it's certainly not THAT, either. it's middle-of-the-road but it's good! it's the. albert destrade? of survivor seasons. like it's not your favorite, you're not gonna go out of your way to praise or think about it, there's things that could be better, but whenever someone DOES bring up albert destrade, don't you pretty much think "hey, he fit his role pretty well in that season, for the most part, and was decently entertaining. well there you go. survivor: guatemala is albert destrade. is it essential viewing in general, probably not. is it a boring season you should actively put off? HECK NO! is it essential viewing at THIS exact moment in survivor history, depending who else from the upcoming season you haven't seen yet? yes. it's just, it's got a decent handful of fun, quirky little moments or characters, and a cool location and challenges, and some genuinely satisfying moments, and, you know, at the end of the day, that means it's doing its job as a survivor season, so this is my. stream-of-consciousness. feverish. attempt at drawing attention to some of these things. i hope it compels at least one or two people to check out a season they'd otherwise have ignored, and that they have a good time if so. whew. i haven't use this many words since my fever first spiked a week ago. time to go chill and eat some fruit.

WHERE THE MR ROBOT FANS OUT HERE FOR RAMIIIIIIII. C3 9ariemberek free stream price. 1:00 I love this callback to the opening scene of the first film. I really am going to enjoy this movie. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages! In roughly a weeks time the absolute ultimate event of the seasons will be kicking off; crowning the ITC champ and 40K High King for the rest of the year. Thats totally how it works right? Jim Workshop himself will be in attendance with his full compliment of crew to stream games over at. Be sure to tune in to catch all the action from Friday – Sunday and listen to the gravelly sounds of Reece and Frankie calling the games. There will also be another stream over at to cover the event in total! Paul Murphy from Forge the Narrative and Adam Camilleri from the Down Under Network will be shout casting games for your viewing pleasure all weekend. These plucky young fellows are joined by our very own Peter “The Falcon” Colosimo and the man, the myth, the legend; ol Val Heffelfinger himself! These guys will be on the floor showing keeping you up to date with the event as whole while also providing spotlights on players in the running for the top 8. Val even built a mechanical falcon with his own two hands which will be flying around the hall giving you a birds eye view of the action in progress. The goal is to provide the kind of in-depth analysis youve come to love and respect from sprinkled with a healthy dose of personality. Finally, Pablo “The Rhino” Martinez will be on hand making sure everything is running smoothly. You may see him putting out fires, directing traffic, kissing babies, fielding angry complaints, roaming the grounds, and generally managing everything. Whatever you pay him Reece, it is not enough. If you see these guys running around feel free to come up to say hi, buy them a beer, or generally be annoying. Have fun in Vegas, and may the odds be ever in your favor! GIVETHERHINOARAISE.

Everyone's thoughts: where's eggsy? tbh, me: how do this movie relates with valentine's day? just saying. Úriemberek free stream 2017. Best movie i have seen in a long time and i see a lot of movies. Guy Ritchie is a genius.

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